Data of the grain-scale tensile and shear strengths of glass bead pairs cemented by MICP

Published: 1 March 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/kxhkhnkvjz.1


This dataset comprises the raw data obtained during the grain-scale tensile and shear strength tests. The strength tests were conducted with the glass bead pairs cemented by microbially induced calcite precipitation (MICP) for 60 cases—30 cases for the tensile test (T1-to-T30) and 30 cases for the shear test (S1-to-S30). The raw and unprocessed video files are also uploaded in mp4 format. The excel file provides the analyzed test results such as calcite mass, bead mass, calcite content, maximum force, minimum cross-sectional area, calcite density, and failure mode. The X-ray CT images scanned before the mechanical testing are uploaded in DCM format for T1, T10, S14, and S20 cases.



Engineering, Video Recording, X-Ray Imaging
