Physiological and self report data from two lab studies and a self-report study of coping with COVID-19
Published: 24 May 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/kxz5p2td9m.1
Oded Mayo, Ilanit GordonDescription
This is the data from the following manuscript: Mayo, O., Horesh, D., Korisky, A., Milstein, N., Zadok, E., Tomashin, A., & Gordon,I.. (in press). I feel you: Pre-pandemic physiological synchrony and emotional contagion during COVID-19. Emotion. It contains questionnaires files (from study A and B), physiological interbeat intervals data from the participants during the lab visit, and self-report data regarding COVID-19. For full details see the manuscript.
Bar-Ilan University
Social Behavior