Database_chronic pain_1006
Published: 4 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/kz5vb9n94f.1
Martina MesceDescription
A sample of 1006 Italian women diagnosed with Chronic Pain participated in the study, categorized into fibromyalgia (FM), chronic headache (CH), vulvodynia (VU), mixed condition (MIX, consisting of FM in comorbidity with CM and/or VU), and healthy controls (HC) groups. Traumatic experiences (TEC), defense mechanisms (DMRS), and alexithymia (TAS) were assessed using self-report measures. We hypothesized that each pure group would exhibit a similar pattern of impairment for each variable, with unique characteristics. Furthermore, we hypothesized that the mixed group differed significantly from the single conditions and controls due to the presence of more impaired and peculiar psychological situations.
Universita degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza
Psychology, Alexithymia, Trauma, Chronic Pain