Data complementarity and cost per observation
Spreadsheet supporting the article Analysing the value of environmental Citizen-Generated Data: Complementarity and Cost per Observation, submitted for possible publication. It contains the following sheets: 1. Proportion of participation of GroundTruth2.0 project partners across case studies 2. Example of Activity Sheet used in the project to track activities, and used to estimate the distribution of effort per partner in time 3. Dates of preparatory and campaign events in the selected case studies 4, 5, 6, 7. Estimation of Cost per Data Record in time for each case study 8. Description of Spatial Complementarity calculations. It includes the ArcGIS model builder's flowchart used to process the spatial data. 9. Description of Temporal Complementarity calculations per case study. 10. Raw data used for sheet 9.
Steps to reproduce
The steps to reproduce the data are explained in the spreadsheet. Sheet 1 shows an example of how to distribute costs per partner across case studies. Sheet 2 shows a simplified example of how activities in the project were reported bimonthly Sheet 8 shows the methods used to calculate Spatial Complementarity Sheet 9 shows the methods used to calculate Temporal Complementarity