R Script to do the Wavelet Transform analysis
This script was used from an algorithm developed in the R statistics project version 4.0.2, to do the Wavelet Transform analysis, and the following library was used: library(biwavelet) Package ‘biwavelet’ October 12, 2022 Type Package Title Conduct Univariate and Bivariate Wavelet Analyses Version 0.20.21 Date 2021-05-24 Author Tarik C. Gouhier, Aslak Grinsted, Viliam Simko Maintainer Tarik C. Gouhier <tarik.gouhier@gmail.com> Description This is a port of the WTC MATLAB package written by Aslak Grinsted and the wavelet program written by Christopher Torrence and Gibert P. Compo. This package can be used to perform univariate and bivariate (cross-wavelet, wavelet coherence, wavelet clustering) analyses. License GPL (>= 2) URL https://github.com/tgouhier/biwavelet BugReports https://github.com/tgouhier/biwavelet/issues biwavelet-package 3 Author(s) Tarik C. Gouhier Maintainer: Tarik C. Gouhier <tarik.gouhier@gmail.com> Code based on WTC MATLAB package written by Aslak Grinsted and the wavelet MATLAB program written by Christopher Torrence and Gibert P. Compo. References Cazelles, B., M. Chavez, D. Berteaux, F. Menard, J. O. Vik, S. Jenouvrier, and N. C. Stenseth. 2008. Wavelet analysis of ecological time series. Oecologia 156:287-304. Grinsted, A., J. C. Moore, and S. Jevrejeva. 2004. Application of the cross wavelet transform and wavelet coherence to geophysical time series. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 11:561-566. Liu, Y., X. San Liang, and R. H. Weisberg. 2007. Rectification of the Bias in the Wavelet Power Spectrum. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 24:2093-2102. Rouyer, T., J. M. Fromentin, F. Menard, B. Cazelles, K. Briand, R. Pianet, B. Planque, and N. C. Stenseth. 2008. Complex interplays among population dynamics, environmental forcing, and exploitation in fisheries. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105:5420-5425. Rouyer, T., J. M. Fromentin, N. C. Stenseth, and B. Cazelles. 2008. Analysing multiple time series and extending significance testing in wavelet analysis. Marine Ecology Progress Series 359:11-23. Torrence, C., and G. P. Compo. 1998. A Practical Guide to Wavelet Analysis. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 79:61-78. Torrence, C., and P. J. Webster. 1998. The annual cycle of persistence in the El Nino/Southern Oscillation. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 124:1985-2004. Veleda, D., R. Montagne, and M. Araujo. 2012. Cross-Wavelet Bias Corrected by Normalizing Scales. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 29:1401-1408.