Sediment resuspension-driven recycling of particulate organic carbon along the Yangtze River–estuary–coastal ocean continuum

Published: 9 April 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/m223fwcf5w.2
xueshi sun


The Dataset contains information on sampling characteristics, organic carbon content, and compositions of suspended sediments from the Yangtze River, its estuary, bed sediments from the East China Sea, and nine sediment cores from the Yangtze River Estuary and the East China Sea. Supplementary Data 1 includes sample description, location, organic carbon content (OC), stable (delta13C), and radiogenic (F14C) isotopic composition of the Yangtze River samples. Supplementary Data 2 provides information on the sampling sites, OC, delta13C, and F14C of surface sediment samples from the East China Sea. Supplementary Data 3 contains nine sediment cores data from the Yangtze River Estuary-East China Sea, including sample location, OC, N/C ratio, Al/Si ratio, delta13C, and delta 15N. Supplementary Data 4 shows the compositional characteristics of POC in the Yangtze River. Supplementary Data 5 shows the composition of POC in the Yangtze River Estuary during a flood season. Here, we used new geochemical and sedimentological data, in conjunction with existing literature, to investigate the impact of physical sediment reworking and lateral transport processes on the fate of terrestrial POC at the land-ocean interface. Our data shows that sediment reworking and remobilization by physical forces within the Yangtze River Estuary induces the degradation and aging of POC, which can diminish the carbon storage potential of marine sediments.



Ocean University of China, Fudan University


Organic Geochemistry, Estuary, Marine Environment, Carbon Cycle
