To what extent family and school social capital mobilizes different forms of capital: a multilevel study of academic performance in brazilian high school
Database of the master's dissertation "To what extent family and school social capital mobilizes different forms of capital: a multilevel study of academic performance in brazilian high school". The database was constructed from data from the Basic Education Assessment System (Saeb) of 2019 made available by the Brazilian government at: <>. The objective of this study is to analyze the effects of the mobilization of family and school social capital together with other forms of capital and their effects on students' school performance. The relevance of the study lies in analyzing not only the possession, but also the mobilization of social capital, in order to answer the following questions: how do family and school social, human, and economic capital influence student performance? What are the effects of the mobilization of family and school social capital on other forms of capital? To this end, multilevel regression models weighted by the Inverse Mills Ratio were used and having as the dependent variable the average proficiency in Portuguese and mathematics of students in the 2019 Brazilian Basic Education Assessment System (Saeb). The main results indicate that family social capital acts as a mobilizer of parents' human and economic capital, enhancing its effects on school performance. The mobilization of school social capital did not reach statistical significance as a moderator of family characteristics. It was also found that the presence and education of the mother are more relevant to improving children's performance in relation to the presence and education of the father. Thus, the study provides relevant data for the educational debate and for the design of public policies, especially those aimed at strengthening the school effect on academic performance in order to break the cycles of reproduction of intergenerational poverty.
Steps to reproduce
Dofile is available with a summary of the commands used. Stata 13.1 was used to run the models.