Data for "Promoting inclusion and equity in higher education: Is this the role of distance learning in Brazil?"

Published: 1 March 2021| Version 4 | DOI: 10.17632/m2hrjx846g.4


The study investigates how distance learning higher education (DLHE) has rapidly evolved in enrollments, considering whether promotes inclusion, equity, and quality education following Sustainable Development Goal 4 and the Brazilian Plan of Education (PNE). The data was extracted and compiled from public and private organizations between 2008-2018; a continuous period of growth in student enrollments in higher education institutions (HEI). Original documental data derived from the following organizations: (1) Ministry of Education of Brazil - National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (INEP) - Synopses Statistics of Higher Education in the period 2008-2018; (2) Ministry of Economy of Brazil - Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) - National Household Sample Survey (Continuous PNAD) in the period 2008-2018; (3) Brazilian Distance Education Association (ABED) - ABED Distance Education Census in the period 2008-2018 - Annual distance learning analytical report in Brazil; (4) Hoper Educação - Sectorial Analysis of Private Higher Education Brazil/2019. The data compiled was organized in MS Excel spreadsheets labeled as follows: spreadsheet 1 - evolution in the number of undergraduate enrollments, total, public, private, DL, on-campus. spreadsheet 2 - HEDL institutions, public and private enrollments, and type of capital. spreadsheet 3 - Private institutions market share and top-six institutions in enrollments. spreadsheet 4 - Evolution of private and public HEDL institutions spreadsheet 5 -Evolution of Brazilian HEI spreadsheet 6 - All public and private academic degrees spreadsheet 7 - All DL courses and top 10 enrollments spreadsheet 8 - Ticket costs from different data source: Hoper Educação (2019); ABED (2019); Institutional Websites; and JP Morgan report. spreadsheet 9 - Number of Distance learning centers. spreadsheet 10 - Total HE enrollments on-campus and DL by age groups. spreadsheet 11 - Regulatory framework of DLHE


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The data was compiled from the following databases: INEP provides a statistical census of education in Brazil. A complete view of educational evolution with specific reports on higher education. Data is download from the website free of charge. higher-education-statistics IBGE provides a Brazilian census on socioeconomic and educational indicators surveyed through Household Sample Survey - PNAD. It is the most complete data survey in the country. Data is download from the website free of charge. educacao / 19897-synthesis-of-indicators-pnad2.html? edicao = 20748 & t = publications The Brazilian Association for Distance Education - ABED, a non-profit scientific society with no ideological ties of any kind, has its Board chosen in free and democratic elections. It was created for the development of open, flexible, and distance education. Data is download from the website free of charge. The DL Brazil Census of the ABED is an annual analytical report on distance learning in Brazil, which aims to map the scope of DL in Brazil, in terms of geographical distribution and the number of students served in types of courses and institutions. http: // www / site/pt / media library / censo_ead / Hoper Educação is a consulting agency focused on the educational market in Brazil. Hoper provides reports made from research in educational institutions in the country. Data is available upon payment of a fee. Hoper Educação. Avenida República Argentina, 3370 - Sala 03 - Jd. Panorama - 85856-578, Foz do Iguaçu - PR - Brasil,, phone +55 45 3026 0100. The compilation involved filtering information within the target years and scope of the investigation, as displayed in the MS Excel spreadsheet.


Universidade Federal Fluminense


Distance Learning, Higher Education, Educational Development, Inclusion in Education, Census Data
