Pooled prevalence of Carpal Tunnel syndrome among dental health care providers
Continent: NA: North America; SA: South America; Eu: Europe; Method of diagnosis: SR: self-reported; NC: Nerve conduction; PE: Physical examination; V: Vibrometry; Type of dental personnel: DA: Dental Auxiliaries; D: Dentists/dental students, Mixed: Dental Auxiliaries or Dentists/dental students Risk of bias: L: Low; M: Moderate Risk of bias was assessed using nine-item questionnaire developed by Hoy et al.
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We systematically reviewed the existing literature from six databases (PubMed, Embase, Dentistry and Oral Sciences Source, CINAHL, Web of Science, and Scopus) till January 1st, 2022. Studies reported in English along with the prevalence of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) or where prevalence could be calculated were included. Independent screening of title and abstracts, and the full text was done by two examiners. Information collected was authors, year of publication, geographic location, type of dental healthcare personnel, sample size, distribution of age, sex, prevalence of CTS, method of diagnosis, and risk of bias.