Flowshop scheduling problems with release and delivery dates
Published: 21 November 2017| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/m2wcd42pvy.1
Luciana Pessoa, Carlos AndradeDescription
We randomly generated two groups of 150 test instances for the problem addressed in this work. The first group contains instances with 100 jobs which must be processed on 2 machines. In the second group, the instances have 200 jobs with the same conditions as before. The instance naming follows the pattern k<K>n<N>a<alpha>r<R>. For example, instance k2n100a0.1r0.7 has N = 100 jobs; K = 2 delivery dates; parameter alpha, used to give the first delivery date, is alpha = 0,1; and R = 0,7 is the same parameter R used to define the release date of each job.
Flowshop Scheduling