Data for: A Dose Rate Assessment Method for Arbitrary Shape Geometries Based on Voxelization Algorithm
Published: 10 February 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/m3bmyrx9cp.1
Yong-kuo LIU, Minjun Peng, Meng-kun Li, Li-qun YangDescription
The "experiment 3.2.rar" file is the experiments results of part 3.2 of paper. In this file, the .3DS format files are 3dsMax model; txt format files are results of VKT code; mc format files are results of MCNP. The "FDConvertFactor.mdb" file is the convert factor usd for MCNP. The "point kernel data.rar" file is the database used in VTK code.
Experimental Design, Database