Data supporting exosome laden oxygen releasing antioxidant and antibacterial cryogel wound dressing OxOBand alleviate diabetic and infectious wound healing
Published: 27 March 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/m3nhb77hbn.1
Parvaiz Ahmad ShiekhDescription
Normalised wound area showing migration of NIH3T3 cells upon exosome treatment. Migration rate showing enhanced migration of NIH3T3 cells upon exosome treatment. MTT assay of HaCaT cells on PUAO and PUAO-CPO scaffolds. MTT assay of NIH3T3 cells on PUAO and PUAO-CPO scaffolds. MTT assay of ADSCs cells on PUAO and PUAO-CPO scaffolds
Cell Migration, Wound Healing, Infection in Chronic Wounds, MTT Assay