Revealing the mechanism of extraordinary ductility in the 75W-25Cu composite at elevated temperatures
Published: 25 March 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/m3snmj3zwy.2
Mi ZhangDescription
The density of the 75W-25Cu composite is measured using Archimedes' immersion method in anhydrous ethanol. In Fig.1, The SEM images show the content and phase distribution of the initial 75W-25Cu composite. The Fig.2 shows the tensile properties of 75W-25Cu composite at ambient and elevated temperatures. Fig.3 is the fracture morphology of 75W-25Cu composite at 25 ℃, 200 ℃ and 1000 ℃. In Figs.4-6, EBSD, TEM and ECCI are conducted to investigate the mechanism of the atypical increase of the fracture strain at 200 ℃. Fig.7 shows the stress and strain partitioning between the W and Cu phases. The high-temperature mechanical properties of W-Cu composites are summarized in Fig.8.
Beihang University
Copper, Mechanical Property, Dislocation