Impact of the Proliferation of Invasive Plants on Biodiversity and Women's Socio-Economic Adaptation Strategies in the Lake Chad Area

Published: 27 August 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/m3t9h36b88.1


The increase in the magnitude of the effects of the invasion of environments by prolific invasive plants which impact biodiversity, eliminate certain major economic activities while increasing social challenges, women are increasingly vulnerable to climate change, The study of the impact of the proliferation of invasive plants on biodiversity and the socioeconomic adaptation strategies of women in the Lake Chad area could help in the medium and long term, as a decision-making tool. The objective of this study is to determine the effect of Prosopis Juliflora and Eichhornia crassipes on biodiversity and the socioeconomic adaptation strategies of women in the Lake Chad area. Taking floristic data on site made it possible to carry out the floristic inventory based on the Braun-Blanquet dominance abundance coefficients and the faunal inventory inspired and updated by the Biosedimentory Index (BSI) and Lake Chad Biotic Index (LCBI) methods. The study area was digitized and produced using ArcGis. The raw data were analyzed and formatted with Microsoft Office Excel software and imported as text files (separator: tab) into R and SPSS software. On an average of 4,167±2,786 sampling points, an average of 165,667±2,804 Eichhornia crassipes plants was observed, with an average abundance-dominance index of 3.833±1.169 and an average recovery rate of all the area of Lake Chad Cameroon which is 53.575±26.621%. However, the average regularity on the waters of Lake Chad is 0.598±0.217, higher in Makary (1.000) and lower in Blangoua (0.386). The average frequency of Eichhornia Crassipes in the waters of Lake Chad Cameroon is 16.7±0.11%: the highest is that of Makary (36%), while those observed in Darak (08) and Hilé Alifa (08) are weak. Women in the Lake Chad area and northern Cameroon carry out mainly agricultural subsistence activities. In any season on the water, the average rate of cleaning of spaces on the banks of Lake Chad for agricultural purposes is 8.6±0.55% while the average rate of use of methods for cleaning the bottom of the Lake Chad is 2.8±0.89% Sahelian semi-arid zone within the GIC and women's association. The transformations and sales of products carried out within the GICs is 12.32±7.23 Kilogram/Season/woman within the associations and 04.82±03.33 Kilogram/Season/woman within the GICs. The social strategy to adapt field production during the rainy season indicates that the average rate of diversification of forms of mutual aid is 25.80±3.27% in associations and 22.20±2.77% in GICs, while that the average rate of donation requests in the form of agricultural materials or support, seeds and nurseries is 85.00±9.13% in association and 89.60±5.02% in GIC.


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The increase in the magnitude of the effects of the invasion of environments by prolific invasive plants which impact biodiversity, eliminate certain major economic activities while increasing social challenges, women are increasingly vulnerable to climate change, The study of the impact of the proliferation of invasive plants on biodiversity and the socioeconomic adaptation strategies of women in the Lake Chad area could help in the medium and long term, as a decision-making tool. The objective of this study is to determine the effect of Prosopis Juliflora and Eichhornia crassipes on biodiversity and the socioeconomic adaptation strategies of women in the Lake Chad area. Taking floristic data on site made it possible to carry out the floristic inventory based on the Braun-Blanquet dominance abundance coefficients and the faunal inventory inspired and updated by the Biosedimentory Index (BSI) and Lake Chad Biotic Index (LCBI) methods. The study area was digitized and produced using ArcGis. The raw data were analyzed and formatted with Microsoft Office Excel software and imported as text files (separator: tab) into R and SPSS software. On an average of 4,167±2,786 sampling points, an average of 165,667±2,804 Eichhornia crassipes plants was observed, with an average abundance-dominance index of 3.833±1.169 and an average recovery rate of all the area of Lake Chad Cameroon which is 53.575±26.621%. However, the average regularity on the waters of Lake Chad is 0.598±0.217, higher in Makary (1.000) and lower in Blangoua (0.386). The average frequency of Eichhornia Crassipes in the waters of Lake Chad Cameroon is 16.7±0.11%: the highest is that of Makary (36%), while those observed in Darak (08) and Hilé Alifa (08) are weak. Women in the Lake Chad area and northern Cameroon carry out mainly agricultural subsistence activities. In any season on the water, the average rate of cleaning of spaces on the banks of Lake Chad for agricultural purposes is 8.6±0.55% while the average rate of use of methods for cleaning the bottom of the Lake Chad is 2.8±0.89% Sahelian semi-arid zone within the GIC and women's association. The transformations and sales of products carried out within the GICs is 12.32±7.23 Kilogram/Season/woman within the associations and 04.82±03.33 Kilogram/Season/woman within the GICs. The social strategy to adapt field production during the rainy season indicates that the average rate of diversification of forms of mutual aid is 25.80±3.27% in associations and 22.20±2.77% in GICs, while that the average rate of donation requests in the form of agricultural materials or support, seeds and nurseries is 85.00±9.13% in association and 89.60±5.02% in GIC.


Johannes Gutenberg Universitat Universitatsmedizin Universitats-Augenklinik Mainz




Fédération des Recherches en Environnement
