Bubble Image Database
Published: 14 December 2020| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/m3zjf8z286.3
Hangil Park, Changzhi Bai, Chun Yong Ng, Liguang WangDescription
Collection of the Bubble images: Bubbles were generated inside the column and bubble images were taken with a bubble viewer. All images were manually classified into five classes according to the gas dispersion states. # Class 1: Fine bubbles fully covering the viewing window # Class 2: Fine bubbles partially covering the viewing window # Class 3: Co-exit of coarse and fine bubbles # Class 4: Only coarse bubbles # Class 5: No bubbles Training set contains in total 5184 original images and 25920 augumented images. Test set contains 582 original images.
University of Queensland
Chemical Engineering, Mineral Processing, Artificial Intelligence Applications, Resources Engineering (Chemical Engineering)