Digital accessibility services of the world's best universities: content analysis data
Development of e-learning content accessible to all students is gaining special relevance in the context of global trends in higher education related to the massive transition of learning to distance and hybrid formats. Based on the analysis of the official websites of 25 world's top universities (according to the QS World University Rankings 2021), data on university digital accessibility services were systematized. The data search was carried out by total browsing of university sites' structure and headings and by keywords. Data on 15 checklist categories were registered and presented in dataset. Checklist categories are: 1) Administrative support and project activities in the field of digital accessibility, 2) Accessibility expertise, 3) Digital accessibility laws and policies, 4) Digital accessibility standards, 5) Digital accessibility training, 6) Counseling/assistance in digital accessibility issues, 7) Guide for digital content authors, 8) Guide for digital content developers, 9) Accessibility testing guide, 10) Introduction to digital accessibility, 11) Purchasing requirements for accessible web products and services, 12) FAQ, 13) Report an accessibility problem, 14) Accessibility statement, 15) Content type guide.