QoL pediatric palliative care dataset

Published: 13 September 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/m479gs98vz.1


The database is obtained from three sources, the children’s medical history, the perception of children’s QoL obtained from the parent’s responses and from the children’s questionnaire. Senior psychologists from the palliative care service collected data via interviews with the participating children and their parents. Socio-demographics and disease variables were recorded by medical history and health-professional questions; child and parents report about their perception about of children's QoL. After giving their written informed consent, the child and their parents completed the questionnaires. The study was approved by the Medical Research Ethics Committee of the Hospital (reference code PIC-158-20 in 02/06/2020).



Hospital Sant Joan de Deu, Universitat de Barcelona, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona


Pediatrics, Palliative Care, Quality of Life
