River Plumes and Idealized Coastal Corners: ROMS and MATLAB files

Published: 16 April 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/m4ndry2dw3.2
Michael Whitney


This dataset is associated with a manuscript on river plumes and idealized coastal corners with first author Michael M. Whitney. The dataset includes source code, compilation files, and routines to generate input files for the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) runs used in this study. ROMS output files in NetCDF format are generated by executing the compiled ROMS code with the input files. The dataset also includes MATLAB routines and datafiles for the analysis of model results and generation of figures in the manuscript. The following zip files are included: ROMS_v783_Yan_code.zip [ROMS source code branch used in this study] coastalcorner_ROMS_compilation.zip [files to compile ROMS source code and run-specific Fortran-90 built code] coastalcorner_ROMS_input_generate_MATLAB.zip [ROMS ASCII input file and MATLAB routines to generate ROMS NetCDF input files for runs] coastalcorner_MATLAB_output_analysis.zip [MATLAB data files with selected ROMS output fields and custom analysis routines and datafiles in MATLAB formats used in this study] coastalcorner_MATLAB_figures.zip [custom MATLAB routine for manuscript figure generation and MATLAB data files with all data fields included in figures] coastalcorner_tif_figures.zip [TIF image files of each figure in manuscript]


Steps to reproduce

The dataset contains the files necessary to compile and execute ROMS and generate the ROMS output. Once ROMS output is generated, the MATLAB analysis routines can be run to generate analysis products in MATLAB datafiles. After the analysis step, the manuscript figures can be generated with the included MATLAB routines. The dataset also includes MATLAB datafiles with final data output corresponding to all data in the figures - accessing data in the MATLAB figure datafiles does not require completion of the earlier steps. The author can be consulted for further clarification and the author may assist when feasible.


University of Connecticut


Coastal Physical Oceanography


National Science Foundation


Fulbright Program

Iceland Fulbright – NSF Arctic Research Scholar

University of Connecticut

Research Excellence Program
