Determinants of Labor Exporting Service Quality in the context of Vietnamese-Japanese Markets
Labor export plays a critical part in a country's economic growth and development and its international operations. In the context of global economic integration, the demand for labor imports in developed countries is rising, resulting in a demand for labor export services in developing countries. Vietnam is no exception, with a large and young labor force being an important prerequisite for labor migration abroad. Labor export is regarded as a potential market that contributes significantly to Vietnam's GDP. Labor export is also a way to gain and transfer advanced technology from abroad, as well as to support the training of a quality workforce and strengthen Vietnam's international cooperation relations, to create favorable conditions for Vietnam to join the international community more profoundly into the region and internationally. For many years, the Japanese market has been one of Vietnam's large and competitive markets for labor exports. Above all, Japan is recognized as a difficult market with stringent requirements for hiring international labor, so to maintain a competitive advantage over other nations, the service quality of Vietnam's labor export industry must be constantly improved. In fact, both foreign and domestic researchers are interested in the topic of labor export. However, most of their research is out of date and has yet to delve into assessing the service quality of the labor export industry and how to enhance it in Vietnam. Thus, the thesis used a quantitative method with the SERVPERF model to evaluate the service quality of labor export enterprises from Vietnam to Japan in 2016-2020. A data of 240 observations has been scrutinized by Smart PLS software to bring conclusive evidence for this paper's result. This study identified four main components: EMPATHIC RESPONSIVENESS, RELIABILITY, TANGIBLES, and ASSURANCE. The ANN technique was employed to determine the predictors of service quality from laborers' perceptions of companies providing services to bring Vietnamese people to Japan to work. The result of ANN is strong reliability at 89.3% accuracy. It has been observed that these four components have a positive correlation with service quality, with EMPATHIC RESPONSIVENESS having the greatest influence on service quality level. Based on the obtained results, this study makes recommendations for companies providing labor export services to further improve the quality of their services in the future.
Steps to reproduce
Step1: Data collecting Step 2: Determine the valid respondents and employed the PLS-SEM model via SmartPLS software to explore the significant hypotheses. Step3: Recheck the determinants derivated from PLS-SEM results by the ANN technique. Step 4: Sensitive analysis