Inoculum microbiome composition impacts fatty acid product profile from cellulosic feedstock, supporting data

Published: 19 October 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/m5fnmmrp99.1
Susan De Long


Supporting 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing data and statistical analyses for: Jorge L. Rico, Kenneth F. Reardon, Susan K. De Long, Inoculum microbiome composition impacts fatty acid product profile from cellulosic feedstock, Bioresource Technology


Steps to reproduce

Experimental design Three microbial inocula (anaerobic wastewater sludge, bison rumen, and beef cattle rumen) were used. A synthetic nutrient solution (Owen et al., 1979) with cellulose as the sole carbon source was used to simulate a cellulosic waste feedstock. Non-fed (without cellulose) control reactors were performed to account for the effects of the inoculum alone on production of FA. An abiotic control (without inoculum, but with cellulose) was included as well. A total of six treatments, plus the abiotic control were analyzed; the experiment consisted of three factors (microbial inocula) under two levels (with and without cellulose), and each of the treatments was performed in triplicate. The 21 reactors were incubated for 20 days, and samples were taken every five days (days 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20); a total of 105 samples were collected and processed for chemical and microbial analysis. 2.2 Inoculum collection Anaerobic wastewater sludge (A) was collected from the anaerobic digester at the Drake Wastewater Reclamation Facility (Fort Collins, CO). Bison rumen fluid (B) was collected immediately after slaughter at a meat processor in northern Colorado. Beef cattle rumen fluid (C) was collected from a grass-fed steer fitted with a rumen canula approximately 2 hours after feeding; steers were housed at the Colorado State University Agricultural Research, Development, and Education Center. All three microbial inocula were collected within 24 h of inoculation and were kept under anaerobic conditions using sealed bottles at 35 ºC with continuous mixing (100 rpm). Prior to use, microbial inocula were filtered using cheesecloth to remove large solid particles.


Colorado State University


DNA Sequencing
