Neuropsychology of language: Normative data for Verbal Repetition, Verbal Fluency & BNT indexes
This dataset is a collaborative work for the subject "Neuropsychology of Language" taught at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain (2022/2023 academic year). The aim is to determine the influence of age, years of education, and gender on three classic language assessment tasks: verbal repetition (subtest from the Test Barcelona Revisado; TBR), verbal fluency (COWAT and Isaacs Set-Test) and Boston Naming Test. Also, from the sample data, normative data in young and middle-aged adults can be obtained. For the application of the tests, the conventional instructions were followed, which can be consulted, for example, in Strauss et al. (2006). In addition to the sociodemographic variables above-mentioned, the following cognitive parameters are also included in the dataset: -Score for each item from the verbal repetition task -Total score for the verbal repetition task (range 0-60; a higher score means better performance) -Number of items correctly evoked in period 1-15" for each phonetic and semantic category -Number of items correctly evoked in the period 16-30" for each phonetic and semantic category -Number of items correctly evoked in the period 31-45" for each phonetic and semantic category -Number of items correctly evoked in the period 45-60" for each phonetic and semantic category -Number of items correctly evoked in the period 45-60" for each phonetic and semantic category -Total number of items correctly evoked 1-60" (sum of the above) for each phonetic and semantic category. -Total number of errors for each phonetic and semantic category -Total number of perseverations for each phonetic and semantic category -Total number of spontaneous hits in the BNT -Total number of hits after semantic clue in the BNT -Total number of hits after phonological clue in the BNT -Total number of hits after semantic clue in the BNT (sum of spontaneous hits + hits after semantic clue) *All authors contributed equally in this work