Sugarcane Plant in Tillering Phase

Published: 25 March 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/m5zxyznvgz.1
Talha Ubaid,


Specific weather and soil conditions are required for optimal sugarcane cultivation. Typically prospering in tropical and subtropical regions, the crop requires temperatures ranging from 20°C to 30°C during the growth season, as well as evenly distributed rainfall of 1000 to 1500 mm per year or supplementary irrigation. Adequate sunshine is necessary for photosynthesis and sugar buildup. Sugarcane prefers well-drained, fertile soils, such as sandy loam or loamy soils, which retain moisture without becoming waterlogged. Ideally, soil pH should be between 6.5 and 7.5 to enable optimal nutrient availability. Maintaining these conditions is critical for successful sugarcane farming, as it ensures strong plant growth, high yields, and appropriate sugar content. Changing climatic conditions, soil types, and water availability all have an impact on farming practices and productivity levels throughout South Asia. Sugarcane agriculture has a large economic impact in Pakistan, as it boosts agricultural output and employs millions. A total of 89 videos were recorded with a frame rate of 20 frames per second and a combined data collection of 1785 images. The current study's data was acquired utilizing a camera mounted on a quadcopter in a field in Punjab, Pakistan. The sugarcane field was cultivated in the fall, and the movies were taken two months later, while the sugarcane plant was in its tillering phase. Sugarcane was not fully developed at the time, but the plant's cane had emerged from the ground, making it suitable for this task. Following benefits farmers can get by Artificial Intelligent based systems in Sugarcane Agriculture: 1. Increased efficiency via streamlining operations. 2. Increased sugarcane crop output and quality. 3. Cost savings are achieved by lowering labor and optimizing resource utilization. 4. Improved safety by reducing manual tasks and risks. 5. 24/7 operations to ensure continual monitoring and administration. 6. Data-driven decision-making improves crop management. 7. Environmental sustainability is achieved through precision farming practices.


Steps to reproduce

1. Exploring advanced data augmentation methods to enhance dataset diversity. 2. Integrating remote sensing data for broader-scale monitoring of sugarcane fields. 3. Developing real-time decision support systems for prompt actions in cultivation. 4. Implementing predictive modeling for climate change adaptation in sugarcane farming. 5. Adopting adaptive crop management approaches to mitigate climate impacts. 6. Utilizing collaborative knowledge-sharing platforms to foster innovation in the sector. 7. Automating field operations beyond plant counting to further streamline processes.


University of Central Punjab


Agricultural Science, Artificial Intelligence Applications, Plant Diversity in Agricultural Landscape, Sugarcane
