Authentic vs. Hubristic Proud Consumers: Two Forms of Status Orientation Underlying New Luxury Consumption

Published: 14 August 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/m6bbr23z9g.1
Bing Shi, Jiaming Shi, Zidan Zheng, Yanqing Zhong


Incorporating motivation for two forms of social status—prestige and dominance, this study examined the influence of authentic and hubristic pride on consumers' preferences and purchases of new luxury products. Consumers with high authentic pride are found to seek prestige status, while those with high hubristic pride are inclined to achieve dominance status. Moreover, consumers with high authentic pride hold more positive brand attitudes and stronger purchase intentions for expertise-positioned luxury products. Consumers' motivation for prestige status mediates the relationship between authentic pride and their preferences and purchase intentions for such products. However, we did not find reliable evidence for the impact of hubristic pride on these outcomes. Overall, the study sheds light on the mechanisms underlying the coexistence of conspicuous and inconspicuous luxury consumption in the current market. Findings have important implications for marketers seeking to optimize marketing and advertising programs for luxury products. The dataset consists of the following items: Data for PilotStudy: This component of the dataset includes the responses (CSV file) and syntax for PilotStudy. In PilotStudy, CFA was conducted for the revision of authentic and hubristic pride scale. Data for Studies 1-3: This component of the dataset includes the responses (CSV file) and syntax for Studies 1-3. It sheds light on the relationships between two-facets of pride, two forms of social status, and behaviors related to new luxury Consumption.



Sun Yat-Sen University


Psychology, Consumer Behavior
