Dataset collected to evaluate the usage of web-based discussion in teaching and learning organic chemistry in the selected Rwandan secondary schools
Published: 24 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/m6pbpkk3sw.1
Aloys Iyamuremye, , Description
This dataset was compiled as part of a study aiming to evaluate the influence of the utilization of web-based discussions on students’ conceptual understanding and interaction in organic chemistry in the selected Rwandan secondary schools. This dataset reports data on the usage of web-based discussion in teaching organic chemistry. The data includes various metrics on current usage, teachers' skills, and perceptions of the use the web-based discussion in teaching organic chemistry. By providing this dataset, we hope to contribute valuable insights into the integration of digital tools in educational environments and foster further research in the field of educational technology, particularly chemistry education.
University of Rwanda College of Education
Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Education, Web-Based Instruction, Web-Based Interaction, Online Discussion, Online Interaction, Online Participation, Web-Based Education, Online Learning, Collaborative Education, Technology, Online Education