Datasets for Smartphone Addiction and Cyberbullying Prevalence in Early Adolescents
The datasets provides an insightful research-based information regarding smartphone addiction and cyberbullying occurance in early adolescents. This datasets was gotten by doing survey involved 394 early adolecents from Capital City of Indonesia. This datasets include sociodemographic data, smartphone addiction status, and cyberbullying occurance in early adoecents. The first part of data was related to sociodemographic data. This included questions related to adolescents’ age, sex, grade, daily amount of time spent on smartphone, social media account ownership, and the internet access availability. The second part is data about smartphone addiction on early adolescents. To measure the addiction scale, the researcher used Smartphone Addiction Scale – Short Version developed by Kwon et al. (2013) . Smartphone Addiction Scale-Short Version consisted of a six-point Likert scale, anchored at “Strongly Disagree“ = 1 and “Strongly Agree” = 6. The summated score was used to determine the respondents smartphone-addiction status. Boys can be categorized as positive smartphone addiction if the score ≥31 and girls can be categorized as positive smartphone addiction if the score ≥33. Then, Cyberbullying and Online Aggression Survey instrument (2019 version) which was developed by Hinduja & Patchin (2019) was used to collect information about cyberbullying experiences in early adolescents. This questionnaire was divided into two sections: the first section consisted of some questions for cyberbullying victims and the second section consisted of some questions for cyberbullying perpetrators.