Data for: The Effects of Climate Change on Baltic Salmon: Framing the Problem in Collaboration with Expert Stakeholders
This data set contains the names of individual nodes or variables included in each of 11 influence diagrams representing the mental models of 11 stakeholders of the Baltic salmon fishery. Specifically, the influence diagrams represent their conceptualizations of (1) how climate change could affect salmon and the socio-ecological system they are embedded within; (2) goals for the system considering climate change; and (3) actions to reach those goals. The variables are categorized into three levels to help identify themes and analyze the results of the study. Additionally, the variables are marked according to which environment and/or salmon life stage they pertain to. Not all variables correspond to a specific salmon life stage or environment. Key: "Variables" = the names of each of the specific variables/nodes included in the influence diagrams "Stakeholder" = a letter pseudonym indicating which stakeholder included the variable in their diagram "1st order" = the narrowest level of categorization "2nd order" = the second narrowest level of categorization "3rd order" = the broadest level of categorization "Environment" = indicates the specific environment the variable pertains to: NA = not applicable; A = atmospheric; T= terrestrial; R = riverine; RS = riverine and marine; S = Marine "Life Stage" = indicates the specific life stage or type of salmon the variable referres to: NA = not applicable; A = adult; E = egg; F = fry; J = juvenile; M = smolt; P = parr; PM = post-smolt; RI = all riverine phases; S = spawner; SE = all marine phases; T = stocked/hatchery salmon