Raw, uncropped supporting Western blot files for: Lignitto L. et al. ... Pagano M., Nrf2 activation promotes lung cancer metastasis by inhibiting the degradation of Bach1. Cell 2019
Published: 27 June 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/m6vrdbwsnc.1
Michele Pagano, Description
Raw, not cropped supporting Western blot files for: Lignitto L., LeBoeuf S., Homer H., Jiang S., Askenazi M., Karakousi T., Pass H., Bhutkar A., Tsirigos A., Ueberheide B., Sayin V., Papagiannakopoulos T, and Pagano M. Nrf2 activation promotes lung cancer metastasis by inhibiting the degradation of Bach1. Cell 2019.
New York University School of Medicine
Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Cancer, Western Blot