Primordial Prevention of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus A Novel Approach

Published: 17 May 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/m6wg96kxfw.2
, Rajesh Jain, Panneer Selvam


Objective: Pregnant women should be tested for Post-Prandial Blood Glucose(PPBG) by the 8th week (2 months) with the value of 2hr PPBG 110 mg/dl as a Cut-off so that adequate time is available to control blood glucose within this range otherwise; fetal insulin will start secreting if blood glucose goes beyond 110 mg/dl by 11th week, and therefore within this crucial period blood glucose can be controlled with medical nutrition therapy(MNT), exercise, and Metformin 250 mg twice daily throughout pregnancy.


Steps to reproduce

All pregnant women are being tested for 2-hr PPBG at the 8th Week of Pregnancy, with a cut-off of 110 mg/dl. If PPBG is >110 mg/dl in the 8th week, they will be treated with MNT, Exercise, and Metformin 250 mg twice daily until the end of the pregnancy.


Jain Hospital, Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Government Hospital for Women and Children


Intervention Trial
