Elemental Cost Data for New Zealand Transport Projects
Under a New Zealand public agency’s cost estimation guidelines, a consultancy organization was required to complete an ‘elemental cost questionnaire’ after a project’s final account had been completed so that data could be incorporated into their ‘Elemental Cost Database’ and used to support the production of future estimates of outturn costs. Cost data from 39 transport projects is presented in a SPSS format.
Steps to reproduce
The data is derived from completed transport projects. The data is unable to be re-produced as it from specific projects but details of required for its production can be found inWaka Kotahi New Zealand (NZ) Transport Agency (2023) ‘Cost Estimation Manual’. Refer to: Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency. 2023. Cost Estimation Manual (SM014). Transport Services, Second Edition, Amendment 1, March 2023, New Zealand Government, Wellington, NZ, Available at: https://www.nzta.govt.nz/resources/cost-estimation-manual/