Dataset for Data in Brief

Published: 13 September 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/m7sgtyhh5w.1
Anna Nartova


This dataset is for the Data in Brief article: “Dataset N–doping of alumina thin film support of catalysts” Files in the data repository are organized in folders according to methods of sample’s study: XPS (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy) and STM (scanning tunneling microscopy). ‘XPS’ folder includes XPS spectrum data files (Excel files). Files are named according to the following convention ‘Fig X spectrum type sample name.xls’, where “X” is the number of the figure in the Data in Brief (when ‘Fig X-Y…’ file name is used, “Y” is the number of spectrum in figure); “spectrum type” is ‘survey spectrum’ or ‘region spectrum’ (regions are specified commonly for XPS); “sample name” is according to the Table 1 (Data in Brief). Every file includes description of the sample treatment when XPS spectrum was recorded; MgKa is used radiation; HV50 is HV used for spectrum recording; table with spectrum (two columns: BE (binding energy) in eV (electron-volt) and intensity in a.u. (arbitrary units). Tables can be used to plot spectrum using any appropriate software (for example, Excel). File Fig 4 XPS N1s spectra 6_FCA-N_1.xls includes six spectra of nitrogen line at different NO exposition time (t = X s, where X is the exposition time in seconds). File Fig 12 XPS N1s spectra 6_FCA-N_1.xls includes two spectra of nitrogen line before and after NO exposition. ‘STM’ folder includes STM images (JPEG files). Files are named according to the following convention ‘Fig XX sample name.xls’, where “X” is the number of the figure in the Data in Brief; “sample name” is according to the Table 1 (Data in Brief). STM image size is 13.4 nm x 8.5 nm for Fig 14 Au_FCA.jpg file and 24.0 nm x 14.6 nm for Fig 15 Au_FCA-N.jpg file.



Institut kataliza imeni GK Boreskova SO RAN


Spectroscopy, Microscopy
