Visualizations of rotational curves within a Standardized Gait Cycle
This dataset contains graphs and a movie. Both show visualizations of rotational curves in the transversal plane within a Standardized Gait Cycle from Vertebra prominens downwards, ending at the pelvis. They display 201 anonymous healthy people aged 18-70 years walking at 2,3,4, and 5 km/h on a treadmill. They are based on a SPSS (v23) syntax file and a relating graph template that can be found at our datasets as well. Files are numbered subsequently across all speeds and can be linked by number to its non-standardized counterpart in a further dataset. Positive values show vertebral body rotation to the left, negative values show rotation to the right. Percent of the Standardized Gait Cycle (0-100%) is displayed on the abscissa, always starting with Initial Contact of the right foot. Within a Standardized Gait Cycle the duration of the stance phase right is expected to be 60% (Perry, 1992). As can be seen in the graphs, interpolating spline functions work for average walking speed measurements leading to a more precise determination of relevant and characteristic points (e.g. maxima, phase shifts, lumbar and thoracic movement behavior), thereby aiding in in the clarification of individual features.
Steps to reproduce
Merge export files, apply SAS script for Standardization, use SPSS script to create graphs.