Fetal Movement Dataset Recorded Using Four Inertial Measurement Units

Published: 19 November 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/m873dbhy9j.1


The dataset contains tri-axial accelerometer and tri-axial gyroscope readings from the four IMUs and labels. There are three sub-datasets, which have different ground-truth labelling configurations, included in this dataset. Please note that the labelling is subjective to the mother's perception. The dataset, as a whole, contains recordings spanning 14 weeks from 26th week to 39th week and in total, about 71 hours of recordings. The three sub-datasets included are: Sub-dataset One: In this sub-dataset, only the occurrence of the particular type of fetal movement known as the fetal kick is considered for ground-truth labelling. Sub-dataset Two: All types of fetal movement felt by the mother -- including trunk movement, isolated limb movement, and general body movement -- were considered for ground truth-labelling as fetal movements in this sub-dataset. Sub-dataset Three: In this sub-dataset, the emphasis was given to the classification of different types of fetal movements. Three types of fetal movements are labelled: trunk movement, isolated limb movement, and general body movement. Additional data are provided in three additional 'csv' files, which contains the record number, the Period of Amenorrhoea (POA), start time, and end time of each recording. Also, additional details about the mother and the baby are provided in the README file. For more details, refer to the README.pdf.



University of Peradeniya


Signal Processing, Biomedical Engineering, Accelerometer, Fetal Monitoring, Gyroscope
