Raw Data for: Screening for neurotoxic potential of 15 flame retardants using freshwater planarians

Published: 8 April 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/m8bj44d278.1
Danielle Ireland, Siqi Zhang, Mamta Behl, Eva-Maria Collins, Nisha Sipes


These excel files contain the raw data for each animal and each endpoint. Each excel file contains 1 worksheet for chemical information and another 6 worksheets, named as “Run A”, “Run B”, “Run C”, “Run D”, “Run E”, “Run F”, which correspond to different plate orientations (See the PDF). Eighteen chemicals were screened twice in two independent screens, one as a subset of the NTP 87-compound library, which we previously reported on (screen 1; (Zhang et al., 2018)), and the other as a flame retardant library (screen 2). Each screen contained 3 replicate runs with 3 different orientations of concentrations. The 8 animals in one row were exposed to the same concentration. In screen 1, chemical #1 – 8 were screened in 3 replicates of run A, B and C; chemical #9-18 were screened in 3 replicates of run B, D and E (for details, see (Zhang et al., 2018)). In screen 2, chemical #1 – 8 were screened in 3 replicates of run D, E and F; chemical #9-18 were screened in 3 replicates of run A, C and F. All worksheets contain the raw data in adult and regenerating (tail) planarians, except that the worksheets in “Eye regeneration - day 7 - FR. xlsx” only contain regenerating planarian data as eyes were not evaluated in full worms. In both sections (regenerating tails and adult worms), each column refers to one chemical, and each row represents one well in the 48-well plate with tested chemical concentrations labeled.



Neurotoxicology, Developmental Neurotoxicology
