Data on Irrigation Governance of Water Usage Association Based on Geolocation and Irrigation Networks: Case Study on a Irrigation District in East Java, Indonesia
The datasets mainly comprised in two datasets including questionnaire dataset dan spatial dataset. The questionnaire dataset gathered from field survey related to irrigation management of Water Usage Association (WUA). Field survey dataset also consist geo-location in a form of coordinate marking denoted location for each WUA. The spatial datasets consists of shapefiles which denoted the location or spatial aspects of irrigation structures in Talang irrigation district. Both datasets had interoperability purposed which mean making a joined-dataset is possible among those datasets.
Steps to reproduce
This data article consists of two data types : (1) the WUAs characteristics and (2) spatial data related to the irrigation network in Talang Irrigation Districts. The data of WUAs characteristics was gathered by using questionnaires through an in-depth interview from every WUA chairman in Talang Irrigation District. Main objective of enumeration is to determine all WUA on Talang Irrigation District and their operational area. The different characteristics of the area address different water management. Spatial data was in raw form such as point coordinate and polyline without any attributes. Therefore, it has to be processed by using QGIS software to add other essential attributes. Of course, digitization on Google Earth Pro was also performed to verify shapefile or KML layer on top satellite imagery.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science