#UsVolemACasa #LlibertatPresosPolítics 2018.04.14 - 2018.04.16
Dataset that collects tweets between 14-16th of April in 2018 with Twarc. Twarc is a tool by Documenting the Now: http://www.docnow.io/#tools "Pels drets i les llibertats, per la democràcia i la cohesió, us volem a casa!" was a demonstration in Barcelona at Avenue of the Parallel on 7 December 2017 calling for the freedom of jailed or exiled political leaders: Centenars de milers de persones omplen el Paral·lel per la llibertat dels presos http://www.ccma.cat/324/manifestacio-15a-presos-politics-llibertat-anc-omnium-llibertat-expressio-repressio-drets-llibertats-onu-govern/noticia/2850250/ Catalan protesters call for return of jailed or exiled leaders | World news | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/apr/15/catalan-protesters-call-for-return-of-jailed-or-exiled-leaders Huge rally in Barcelona to demand jailed separatists go free - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/catalan-separatists-march-demand-release-of-jailed-leaders/2018/04/15/97f1535c-409c-11e8-b2dc-b0a403e4720a_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.56a25ff6a5de Hashtags: #UsVolemACasa #LlibertatPresosPolítics Dates: 2018.04.14-2018.04.16 Number of Tweets: 260,785 Size (Hydrated): 1.83 gigabytes
Steps to reproduce
Download & Install Twarc: https://github.com/DocNow/twarc#install And Hydrate the dataset: https://github.com/DocNow/twarc#hydrate