Time series from PBO and UNR used in Bartlow (2020)

Published: 18 August 2020| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/mc49zmg7n7.3
Noel Bartlow


MATLAB .mat files containing input data (processed daily position time series from PBO and UNR) for Bartlow (2020), along with the inversion results from that study (shown in Figure 3A). Codes used to produce the results can be found at https://github.com/noelbartlow/Long-Term-Cascadia-ETS-velocities. Paper can be found at https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1029/2019GL085303 results_for_paper.mat includes the long-term ETS slip rate (variable slip_rate) on a mesh with nodes given by variables nd (local coordinates) or nd_ll (lat/long coordinates) and elements in variable el. To plot the results use >> figure; trisurf(el, nd_ll(:, 1), nd_ll(:, 2), nd_ll(:, 3), slip_rate). Also included in this file are the long-term ETS velocities are each station (Nv_SSE, Ev_SSE, Uv_SSE) and their uncertainties (variables beginning with sig). Strike and rake refer to each subfault; slip directions were fixed in the inversion. Pole gives the Euler pole used to define slip directions.



University of California Berkeley


Geophysics, Earthquake Mechanics
