NCRB cyber-crimes against children in India from year 2017 to 2021 (compiled dataset)

Published: 21 November 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/mc7wsp8v9y.2
Vishal Tikhute


NCRB Child pornography and cyber-crimes data from 2017 to 2021 (available freely under public domain on NCRB website). The tables from NCRB reports have been imported to excel file (Sheet CII 2017 and CII 2021 are original datasets from NCRB reports). Frequencies for cases of child pornography and cyber-crimes are used to present data on - Year-over-year Change in Child Pornography and all Cyber-crimes Cases against Children in India (Table 1). States/UTs with Child Pornography and Cyber-crimes against Children (Table 2), Child Pornography and all Cyber-Crimes against Children in Year 2021 (Table 3),; Comparative Analysis of Child Pornography and other Cyber-crimes (Fig 1), Distribution of child pornography cases in total pornography cases (fig 2), Incidence of Child Pornography Reported in Seven States during years 2017 - 2021 (fig 3).


Steps to reproduce

Downloaded tables from NCRB 'crime in India' report --> compiled year and state-wise sheets.


Cybersecurity, Child Sexual Abuse, Child Pornography
