Data for: High fluxes of deep volatiles from ocean island volcanoes: Insights from El Hierro, Canary Islands

Published: 24 March 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/mchmyr3dk4.1
Zoltán Taracsák


The excel spreasheat attached here contains all new geochemical data presented in this work, including trace and volatile element measurements done by SIMS and major and minor element measurements carried out using EPMA. SIMS data is only normalised to SiO2 contents measured by EPMA, with no additional processing done. Uncorrected glass compositions are also provided as a .csv file. PEC and Fe-loss corrected melt inclusion are also proveded as a .csv file. Raw raman data (intensities as function of wavenumber) are also added as .csv. All literature data used for modelling crystallisation paths and trace element melting models are proveded in the excel spreadsheet.



Igneous Petrology, Igneous Geochemistry
