Seaport innovation
Published: 27 February 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/mckg4j5pv3.2
Arkadiusz Kozłowski, Beata Szymanowska, , Description
The data is the result of a survey of 203 seaport employees (management) from around the world. The study concerned the state of implementation of innovative projects. 52 innovative projects were distinguished and grouped into 13 trends. Each project could be evaluated on a 5-point scale: not considered, implementation within 5-10 years, implementation within 3-5 years, implementation within 3 years, and implemented. "Other" projects indicated by respondents are listed in the Outliers file. The study was performed online using the LimeSurvey service. The selection of units for the sample was purposive.
Uniwersytet Gdanski
Innovation, Maritime Industry, Global Competition