Frontal Alpha and Parietal Theta Asymmetries Associated with Color-Induced Emotions - Raw Dataset

Published: 23 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/md926tvmz5.1
Pablo Valdés-Alemán


This study explored the relationship between color perception—hue, brightness, and saturation—and emotional response—valence, arousal, and pleasure—using subjective evaluations and EEG recordings to assess frontal and parietal asymmetric activity patterns. Utilizing 37 colors from the Berkeley Color Project, along with positive and negative control images, we examined the perceptual and emotional dimensions of color in 32 Mexican participants (19 women; M = 21.4 years, SD = 3.3). This raw dataset contains the demographic, subjective an EEG data. Subjective data is labeled as follows: Condition_Dimension. EEG data is labeled as follows: Condition_Band_Electrode. Condition labels are the following: R = red, O = orange, Y = yellow, CH = chartreuse, G = green, CY = cyan, B = blue, P =purple, BK = black, DG = dark gray, MG = medium gray, LG = light gray, WH = white, 1 = saturated, 2 = bright, 3 = muted, 4 = dark, Positive = positive control, Negative = negative control, and Resting = resting-state EEG. Dimension labels are the following: RG = red-green, YB = yellow-blue, B = brightness, S = saturation, V = valence, A = arousal, P = pleasure, and VAP = VAP Index. Band labels are the following: AL = ln(Alpha Power), and TH = ln(Theta Power). Electrode labels are the following: F3 = frontal–left, F4 = frontal–right, P3 = parietal–left, and P4 = parietal–right.



Electroencephalogram Time-Frequency Analysis, Color, Cognitive Neuroscience, Emotion
