Microbial community changes during the mechanized production of light aroma Xiaoqu Baijiu
Published: 26 October 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/mds4wpc5rn.1
Yuanliang Hu, Description
This database includes: Physical and chemical index, and culturable microorganisms original data; Microbial community in fermented grains original data; 16S and ITS resampled_otu_taxa_table original data; Bacteria and fungi Venn original data; Other original data of bacteria 16S_resampled_otu_taxa_table with taxonomy, and Fungi ITS_resampled_otu_taxa_table with taxonomy; Microbial diversity index based on OTUs original data.
Hubei Normal University
Microbial Biotechnology, Wine Industry, Fermented Beverage