Data for: Megabenthic assemblages at the southern Central Indian Ridge – Spatial segregation of inactive hydrothermal vents from active-, periphery- and non-vent sites
Published: 29 August 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/mffwm8jfd8.1
Klaas Gerdes, Ulrich Schwarz-Schampera, Angelika Brandt, Pedro Martinez Arbizu, Martin Schwentner, Terue-Cristina Kihara, Ralf FreitagDescription
Supplementary Material contains extra figures and tables complementing the Research article Supplementary Table 1 contains the raw data which is the basis for this study Supplementary Data 1 contains the fauna catalogue used to identify all observed taxa
Benthic Ecology, Deep-Sea Benthos