Landsat-8 OLI image pixels for developing water mapping algorithms
This dataset contains 153140 Landsat-8 OLI pixels. The pixels were collected from 180 subsite images (900 by 900 m) in 22 Landsat-8 OLI imageries that covering various water-land environments around the world. Each pixel is represented as a row of data with the attributes described here. DATE - The date of the Landsat 8 OLI image acquisition as YYYYMMDD. PATH/ROW - The Worldwide Reference System path and row of the Landsat image. SR - Spatial reference read from ArcGIS 10.5 CORX - x-coordinate of pixel center in the SR system CORY - y-coordinate of pixel center in the SR system WT.PCT - An integer value of the percentage area of the pixel that is covered by water. PIX.TYPE - Defined a pixel is water (1) or non-water (0) CLASS - The dominant land type contained in pixel. WT = water, VL = vegetated land, BL = built-up land, and SL = shadowed land BAND1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - Band surface reflectance. NDWI, MNDWI, AWEI0, AWEI1, WI2015 - The five water indices calculated with the algorithms listed below. NDWI = (ρb3-ρb5) / (ρb3+ρb5) MNDWI = (ρb3-ρb6) / (ρb3+ρb6) AWEI0 = 4(ρb3-ρb6)-0.25ρb5-2.75ρb7 AWEI1 = ρb2+2.5ρb3-1.5(ρb5+ρb6)-0.25ρb7 WI2015 = 1.7204+171ρb3+3ρb4-70ρb5-45ρb6-71ρb7 where ρ is surface reflectance and b1, b2, …, b7 are band numbers of Landsat-8 OLI images.
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See the artical "Wen et al., 2021, Ensembles of multiple spectral water indices for improving surface water classification, International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation" for further information.