Ethiopian Crop Type 2020 (EthCT2020) dataset
A detailed description of the EthCT2020 dataset is provided in the journal (Data in Brief) article "Ethiopian Crop Type 2020 (EthCT2020) dataset: Crop type data for environmental and agricultural remote sensing applications in complex Ethiopian smallholder wheat-based farming systems (Meher season 2020/21)". For the 2020/21 main cropping season, the Ethiopian Crop Type 2020 (EthCT2020) dataset compiled from multiple sources provides 2,793 harmonized, quality-controlled, and georeferenced in-situ samples on annual crop types (7 crop groups; 22 crop classes) at smallholder field level across the complex and highly fragmented agricultural landscape of Ethiopia. The focus was on rainfed, wheat-based farming systems. Sources: a) Nationwide ground data collection campaign using ODK and GPS (GDCC), b) Wheat Rust Toolbox, a database for field disease surveillance and monitoring using ODK (WRTB), and c) CIMMYT farm household survey database (FHSD).