Comparison of chemical parameters in composted and vermicomposted sheep manure added to agroindustrial wastes (RAW DATA)
Published: 28 March 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/mfpzx3r7j4.1
Marcos RodriguesDescription
Quantitative data of manuscript entitled "Comparison of chemical parameters in composted and vermicomposted sheep manure added to agroindustrial wastes". Data is presented in CSV format. Sheet Temp_Compost: temperature of each treatment and the ambient in Celsius. Temp_Compost: chemical data for each treatment in triplicate. Temp_Compost: chemical data for each treatment in triplicate. pH : in -log VS : in % TOC : in % TKN : in % TP : in % TK : in % Ca : in % Mg : in % S : in % Fe : in % Zn : in mg/kg Cu: in mg/kg Mn: in mg/kg Bo: in mg/kg
Agronomy, Fertilizer, Composting