Software developers and stress data

Published: 8 March 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/mfrcwxg75h.1


These data were collected from a study with novice software developers in Northwest Mexico. The data comprise psychometric data from the IMSS stress inventory, data related to their current appointed projects, and HRV sensor readings. Columns titles are in Spanish.


Steps to reproduce

We designed a cross-sectional study to investigate whether there was an association among the stressors of interest: Workload, mental work fatigue, and work distraction. We used the Pearson correlation coefficient to determine an association among the variables. To empirically assess the proposed measures, we used the following instruments: Physiological sensor. We used HeartMath' Inner Balance sensor to obtain the heart rate variability (HRV). the sensor works at at 125hz sample rate. The sensor is connected to the ear lobule, and it also offers values representing the percentage of time that a user stayed in a certain state (low, medium, or high). Psychometric instrument. We used the labor stress inventory used by the Mexican Social Security Institute. This instrument is used to know to what degree the worker suffers from the symptoms associated with stress. It comprises 12 items related to the incidence of diverse psychosomatics problems and their frequency (Scale: Never=1 - Very Frequently=6). It yields a score from 12 to 72, where individuals are then classified into four classes: No stress (12 - 24 points), Light stress (25 - 36 points), Moderate stress (37 - 48 points), and Severe stress (49-72 points).


Instituto Tecnologico de Sonora


Software Development, Mexico, Occupational Stress
