A role for the hippocampus in value-based decisions: evidence from fMRI and amnesic patients
Published: 10 December 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/mftzf93shx.1
Akram BakkourDescription
Value-based decision task behavioral data (Experiment 1, food.csv; Experiment 2 for healthy controls foodHC.csv and for amnesic patients foodMA.csv) Perceptual decision task behavioral data (Experiment 1, food.csv; Experiment 2 for healthy controls dotsHC.csv and for amnesic patients dotsMA.csv) Memory recognition task behavioral data (memory.csv, Experiment 1 only)
Steps to reproduce
All steps to reproduce these data and all analyses performed on these data can be found here: https://github.com/abakkour/MDMRT_scan/blob/master/analysis/