
Published: 18 July 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/mg3k3zhzb3.1
MariaElena Menconi


Children participation in the design of urban open spaces is a well-known phenomenon, but a gap still remains between theory and practice. In particular, school playgrounds often suffer from standardization of design that fails to reflect the different functions and the different services required to achieve full children development. Starting from these considerations, the dataset reports the main results of a particpatory method to retrofit a school playground, applied to an Italian school with 288 children (aged 5 to 10) in a six-month process Observing the Italian children’s point of view, the paper shows that they identify the school playground with green spaces and traditional play setting, at the same time, they ask for multifunctional school playgrounds that allow for considering school’s open spaces as extensions of the classroom. The first worksheet of the Appendix A reports the frequency distribution of the children’s interest in the various types of spaces during the Preparation Stage. The columns represent the types of spaces indicated by the children for their dream playground. The rows represent the grouping by age of the thirteen classes of the case study. For all space types, the process analyzes integrated means of use. For example, the second worksheet of the appendix reports the frequency distribution of the desired means for using green spaces.



Classroom Participation
