Supplementary data for the Ph.D. thesis "Experimental study of the origin of mass-independent isotopic fractionations in cosmochemistry" for the Hiroshima glasses (chapter V)
These different files are the supplementary data not added to Chapter V of the Ph.D. thesis "Experimental study of the origin of mass-independent isotopic fractionations in cosmochemistry" and of the article: "Condensation of the fallout glasses in the Hiroshima nuclear fireball resulting in oxygen Mass-independent Fractionation". The supplementary data (S7) are backscattered electron and optical images of the Hiroshima glasses. The two table files present the chemical, triple oxygen and silicon isotope compositions for Hiroshima glasses. The chemical data file (ST1) shows the chemical composition of 94 Hiroshima glasses. This data was obtained by analyses with a Zeiss-EVO Scanning Electron Microscope (IPGP-Paris), a CAMECA SX-100 electron microprobe (Camparis-Paris), and a JXA-8530F field emission electron microprobe (Natural History Museum of Vienna). The oxygen and silicon triple isotope composition data (ST2) presents the result of analyses realized with the CAMECA IMS 1270 E7 ion microprobe (CNRS-CRPG, Nancy) on 20 Hiroshima glasses.