(supplementary data) Development of pH-sensitive Zerumbone-encapsulated Liposomes for Lung Fibrosis Via Inhalation Route

Published: 3 July 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/mgcftm5cp8.1
Nourhan Elsayed, Cheewun How, Jhibiau Foo


Context and Purpose: This dataset provides supplementary material for the manuscript titled "Development of pH-sensitive Zerumbone-encapsulated Liposomes for Lung Fibrosis Via Inhalation Route." The data support the findings and analyses presented in the main manuscript, offering additional details on experimental procedures and results.


Steps to reproduce

Liposome Preparation 1. Add 7 mg of the liposomal composition of DPPC, Chol, OA, and ZER at 58:17:11:14 (%w/w) to a sealed glass tube. Then solubilize them in 1000 µL pure ethanol. 2. In the fume hood, dry the mixture under a gentle stream of nitrogen. 3. To the dried-down mixture, add 3 ml room temperature PBS solution and cover the end of the glass tube with the cap and vigorously shake it for 1 minute to completely resuspend the mixture. The result should be a milky, uniform suspension. 4. Fill the bath sonicator with distilled water. Place the sample in the middle of Elmasonic S 60H Ultrasonic device. The liquid level inside and outside of the tube should be the same and the temperature should be adjusted to 50 °C before placing the sample. Sonicate the suspension until it turns from milky to a little bit hazy. Check every 10 min; it will usually take approximately 30 min total sonication time. 5. Store the final product at 4 degrees C. The result is a suspension of small unilamellar vesicles (SUV).


Taylor's University


Drug Delivery, Pharmaceutics


Taylor’s University


Taylor’s University

My CytoHealth Sdn. Bhd., Taylor’s University

Monash University Malaysia

CYTOHEALTH/2023/SOP/002 and P-M010-MTC-000150
